The goal of Feng Shui is to harmonize the energies of a space to promote the health, well-being, and prosperity of its occupants. Highly valued in this Chinese art, Feng Shui mirrors placed in specific areas bring positive energy to a space and make it flow harmoniously throughout your home.

1 – Understanding the principles of Feng Shui and mirrors

Feng Shui is the art of organizing a space to maximize positive energy. A Feng Shui mirror is a clean object in good condition that, placed in the right location within a space, allows this positive energy to circulate in a fluid and beneficial way. In fact, mirrors are powerful Feng Shui tools that reflect light and energy and double their power.

2 – Choosing the right location for a Feng Shui mirror

It’s not enough just to obtain a mirror to make it Feng Shui; you also have to find the place that will let it accumulate and release positive energy. You can therefore place it:

  • In a dark or dreary room to capture the light sources and energize the space.
  • In an office to help you focus on your work. For example, the mirror can be positioned to reflect a plant or an object that’s pleasant to look at, because mirrors double everything.
  • In bathrooms to channel energy and prevent energy from flowing down the drainpipes.
  • On the facade of a house, outside, on the side of your choice according to the energies felt to attract positive external energies and protect the space.
  • On a side wall to expand and open up a room in your home.
  • On the walls of a long hallway, staggered to transport the energy to all the nearby rooms.

3 – Avoiding mirror placement mistakes

On the other hand, mirrors that are poorly placed within a house can have a negative impact on the energy of the space. To avoid unpleasantness, here are some mistakes to avoid:

  • Placing a mirror facing the front door, since the energy will just enter and exit without leaving its benefits behind
  • Placing a mirror in front of a bed can prevent you from sleeping and return the energies that you’ve released during sleep to you. In Asia, it’s commonly believed that a mirror placed in front of a bed symbolizes another person who can drive a couple to adultery.
  • Owning chipped, broken, or tarnished mirrors or mirrors in the form of little tiles, since these tend to capture bad vibrations and damage the morale of the occupants of the spaces in which they’re found.
  • Abusing the installation of a multitude of mirrors and placing them facing each other can accelerate the flow of energy and make it harmful.

4 – Choosing the right shape for a Feng Shui mirror

A Feng Shui mirror should ideally be round, since round shapes are synonymous with circulation and let you give the space a soft atmosphere. It’s also possible to obtain a traditional Feng Shui Pa Kua mirror in a concave form that returns the flow of energies in a specific place. A true protective object, it’s traditionally placed outside, right at the entrance to a space.

5 – Adjusting the size of a mirror to make it Feng Shui

A Feng Shui mirror should be big enough to reflect your entire body – that is to say, you should be able to see yourself from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. This size will determine how you see yourself and your relationship with the different parts of your body. In effect, if you don’t see the lower part of your body, over time, you’re more likely to no longer worry about that part and no longer take care of it.